Henrieke Neumeyer
design & research


Composed of only three elements, MOKIT is a flexible scaffold system. Meant for temporal exhibition, like the pop-up store for NO TALENT, it enables to tackle vacancies in inner cities. These short termed events impose specific demands to furniture, for instance: ease of use, affordability and adaptability. That´s why MOKIT utilizes an innovative clamp connector, wooden rods and sheet metal boxes to allow for extensive spacial constructions with endless possibilities.

During the time of the NO TALENT pop-up-store, photo exhibitions by Falko Behrens and Erik Wetendorf were hosted. Therefore the store design has been altered slightly each time, to accommodate the new content.

by Benjamin Unterluggauer, Leon Clausen, Simon Bruhns, Carolin Straka, Finn Lassen and Henrieke Neumeyer